Identifying the best supplier and service option
A fast-growing energy source, cumulative wind power capacity in the United States has increased an average of 30% per year. It is not just clean but a cost-effective way to improve your energy assurance and reduce risk.

An Energy-as-a-service partner can provide access to wind power by helping you build, finance, and operate a local wind farm. If the plant is owned by a third party, the power produced can be purchased by entering into a power purchase agreement (PPA), or a virtual power purchase agreement (VPPA), where energy is purchased from an offsite farm for an agreed-upon price.

A cost-effective way to improve your energy assurance and reduce risk

Wind energy, through wind power purchase agreements, are among the lowest-cost energy sources available today. Land-based utility-scale wind costs between two to six cents per kilowatt-hour, competitive with gas-fired plants.
Wind supply is inexhaustible and turbines don't produce atmospheric emissions or use water.
Wind energy provides an additional level of resilience and improves energy assurance, reducing economic risk.
It's clean
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